connections stylized3
We are the Developing Artist Collaboration,

a locally founded nonprofit dedicated to empowering Artists and enriching communities.

Our End of Year Giving Campaign is underway, and we need your support.

We're building a home for Artists.

Elevated Culture means vibrant spaces filled with art, expanded arts programs for all, innovative dining, live original music, and thriving local creative businesses. It all starts with Artists,

and we need your help.

$6,570 of $10,000 raised

Expanding The Arts Starts With The Artist.

The Developing Artist Collaboration (DAC) is not an 'arts organization,' we are an Artist First Movement.

Our model differs from most Arts Non-Profits in a big way. We are here to help Artists nurture their passions in a self-sustaining model. Our purpose is to provide Artists with career development, peer connection, and physical spaces to build elevated creative lifestyles.

Any Artist can join DAC regardless of their skills, medium, or accomplishments. We believe that every Artist has room for growth, and we provide an individual approach in identifying solutions for every Artist we serve.

Gracie Hub

DAC Does It Differently.

We don't profit off the people we serve.

As an Entrepreneurial Non-Profit (yes, you read that right,) we create programming that generates revenue so Artists can choose to support however they want to.

We offer at-cost artist programming sustained by West Side Creative Market, TacoMania, Dewey Sip & Shop, Out of the Box DIY Experiences, and other innovative revenue generators.

We Create

Good Things Come In Threes.

As an organization, there are three main aspects that we focus on at all times. We are here to help Artists develop their careers, build Art-Centered connections within Our Community, and use our resources to give back to causes creatively.

Explore What Makes Us Different

Artist Development

We provide Artist Members with relevant, impactful, and innovative career resources so they can spend less time "figuring it out on their own" and more time creating.

Community Events

Our Events offer a modern approach to showcasing Artists in environments unlike anything else in our region, while encouraging our community to embrace their Inner Artist.

Giving Back Creatively 

Elevated Artists have the skills and mindset that can uplift, teach creative entrepreneurship, and partner with great causes to provide creative services where they are needed most.

Welcome To The Family


We believe EVERYONE is an Artist.

We are here to celebrate the creative energy in everyone we serve. This includes emerging Artists, established creatives, and, yes, even those who swear they can barely draw a stick figure. Whether you're an Artist looking to join our organization, or simply a lover of the Arts, we're happy you've decided to join our movement.

Embrace Your Inner Artist

We wouldn’t be where we are today without the investment and belief of Our Community. We continue to build our revenue driven programming, and we need your support now, more than ever. If you’re ready to help us grow, consider purchasing some merchandise, attending an event, or becoming a DAC Visionary by financially contributing to our organization.

Evolving Passions Into Careers

& Careers Into Lifestyles

We're here to help our Artist Members grow well-rounded creative lifestyles.

How It Works

By providing Members with opportunities to learn, connect, and create, we are building a community of Art that empowers itself. These programs are built by Artists for Artists.


Why It Works

All of our Artist Development Programming is developed by Artists working in this community. We are learning and growing with you and we’re not afraid to ask for help from leading creative experts in our region!

"DAC has provided me with the community and environment for my continued growth in my post-career endeavors."

Keith Warren

We Put The Art In Party.

Guests Enjoying a DIY Project At An Arts Event By DAC

Our events are about connecting you to a creative experience that you will leave feeling inspired and part of something big.

Whether it’s the Largest Holiday Shopping Experience in Delaware or the Premier Taco & Margarita Competition in our area, we believe that bringing the community together through art goes beyond gallery exhibitions.

These events not only allow the community to come together to celebrate art, but they also help us raise critical funds to further our mission!

Since we began, events have been integral to the success of our organization.

Come See What The Buzz Is All About!

A Home For Creativity

West Side Creative Market is an open air arts venue designed to bring Artists & The Community together all Summer long.

Space To Grow & Create

Space For Members To Come Together & Create

The Studios on Terrace is DAC's Communal Creation & Studio Space.

This building is 100% dedicated to our Artist Members. It currently features 20 Studios, A Large Format Printer, and plenty of space for our Workshops & Groups to utilize. As we grow, this space and others grow with us. We are planning many additional resources all designed to give Artists what they need.

Studio Space Artists Can Make Their Own

Artists Can

Our Mission doesn't stop at Developing Artists. Partnering with Elevated Artists allows us to inspire change.

Giving Back, Creatively.

What is "ArtReach?"

We believe that Artists can change lives, without having to give work or time for free.

Since the beginning, our goal has been to always look outward. We believe Art is for everybody, and know the ways it can impact communities and lives. A core mission of DAC is to utilize our resources and connections give back through creativity and expression. We also believe in giving people of all ages, situations, and backgrounds the knowledge and skills to develop their own creative careers.


Elevated Artists

Artists that have their basic needs met have the ability and mindset to give back.

These artists have the skills that can uplift underserved communities, teach creative entrepreneurship, and partner with great causes to bring creative services where they are needed the most.

We don’t ask these artists to work for free because Creative Services should always be valued. We partner with Elevated Artists to give back passionately, while being compensated by DAC financially or with complimentary Artist Development space and services.