Let’s Uncomplicate Social Media

Social media shouldn’t be so complicated! It should be a fun, useful too to promote you and your business. Yet people tend to make the same mistakes time and time again…. Here are some of the most common mistakes that are made when trying to take your social media to the next level.  Are you guilty of any of these?


1. Not knowing your audience

If you’re creating content without thinking about who it’s for, you might as well be shouting into the void. Take the time to learn about your target audience, their interests, and their pain points, etc! This way, you can create content that speaks to them directly and resonates with them. This will make it far easier to strategize how to best capture their attention.

2. No distribution strategy

Creating great content is just one part of the equation. You also need to make sure people see it. A good distribution strategy can ensure your content gets in front of the right people. Consider utilizing social media, email marketing, or even paid advertising to get your content out there. Pick the one that best fits where you are currently at in your career. Social media is a great starting point but which apps make the most sense to you. And don’t overlook other avenues like email marketing, this can be another great way for your customers to hear from you on a regular cadence.

3. Strictly self-promotion, not educating or providing value

If all you do is talk about how great your product or service is, you’ll quickly lose your audience’s interest. Instead, aim to educate and provide value. Tell a part of your unique story. Give your audience something they can’t get anywhere else.


4. Spending no time on the headline

You could write the most informative, engaging piece of content ever created, but if your headline is boring or uninteresting, nobody will click on it or they will scroll right on past it. Take the time to craft a headline that hooks your reader and draws them in.


5. Writing content just to add to your content calendar

Quantity does not equal quality. This phrase is so, so true. Don’t fall into the trap of churning out content just to fill a content calendar or post schedule. You may very well over saturate your audience and they’ll just tune out. Take the time to create well-thought, high-quality content that provides value to your audience.


6. No testing

How do you know if your content is resonating with your audience? By testing it, of course! Experiment with different types of content, headlines, and distribution channels to see what works best for your brand. Social media is supposed to be fun after all!

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