Elevated Artists can change the world.

We're here to help.

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Wavey Skinny

Vendor Events designed by Artists, for Artists.

The incredible thing about being a creative entrepreneur is that you don't need your own store to be successful.

Vendor Events, like West Side Creative Market, and Dewey Sip & Shop give Artists a way to engage with customers and the community throughout the year.


"West Side Creative Market is a little family, especially if you're one of the people that goes on a weekly basis. It's a great opportunity because we're right on the bike path and tons of people go by. Lots of tourists and locals it's a great crowd.  There's live music, a bar...the Vendor Booths are covered, with plenty of places to display your products however you want...You can tell that the Market was built with Artists in mind, it's just not like most vending events."

Laura Gaeng

La La Liz by Laura

Wavey Skinny

"It's so special because there's nothing like that around here as far as a social gathering on a weekly basis. Like this was the one place that I knew every Monday & Friday for a couple hours, I can not just provide a living for myself, but also hang out, see what the rest of my friends are creating...hang out, eat some food, laugh, listen to good music...just enjoy ourselves, man."

Brandon Quinones (Papi)


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"I have grown my business so much this year through being at events like West Side Creative Market and Dewey Sip & Shop. These events have been a great way to not only sell, but to market my business, get my name out there, and continue growing my business on social media. I do very well at the Market!"

Ne'Kea Thomas

Mischief Managed Sweets


"West Side Creative Market was so so amazing for me. I've always dreamt of having a brick and mortar store, the market made me feel like that could be possible one day. It's very cool to be in your own little storefront, be selling, see people excited about something that you made and walk off with it and they may come back and get it again. That’s why I speak so highly about the market.”

Gabe Moser

Surf Lotus

Creatives, Connected.

Running a business alone can often mean a lot of solitude. DAC believes that when Artists come together, amazing things happen. Artist-Led Groups that meet regularly, Monthly Mixers, and online connectivity allows creatives to collaborate, learn, and grow with one another.

The DAC Artist Hub is a free online portal where Artist Members can connect with each other, hone their career skills, and find the information they want.

Asher Hub



Artist Led Groups

The 'Museletter' Blog

'The Medium' Podcast

Creative Career Courses

& More!

Gracie Hub

"The Artist Hub was a really good resource in the beginning to just know everything about the upcoming DAC events. It's also become a really great way to find out when there's an Artist opportunity like other vendor events, requests for Artist services, grants, workshops... One of those, a grant I applied for and was awarded, was kind of life changing for me.

It made me having this Creative Career possible, honestly."

Hannah Whiddon

Hannah Whiddon Art

Wavey Skinny

The Tools For Growth.

Growing a Creative Career takes a lot of work, and comes with unique needs. DAC provides Artists with access to the resources, programming, and spaces they need in order to focus on what they do best - creating.

Artists can transform their business through DAC's Creative Career Support Program, digitize and print their work professionally, rent their very own studio, and learn what they want and need to continue elevating.


"Having a dedicated space to be able to make whatever it is you make is a terrific opportunity. I've had my makerspace in my home before ,and it makes it hard to do my work sometimes...Heather and I share a studio, and it is just really great to be able to see what we have instead of tucking certain sections away like we would have to do at home...it's so nice to have room to breathe in to who we are and what we want to explore.

When we came across DAC, we found our people."

Teri Knox

Absolute Swagger

Wavey Skinny

"The print services are AMAZING. Love Mike Jo, he always gets my prints to me super quickly and with perfect quality. Mike always makes sure everything looks right and checks in with me for color/exposure. Price point is also perfect. I haven't printed with anyone else who knows how to make a quality print on that matte paper before. I probably will not print with anyone else any time in the future.” 

Shandra Furtado

tingflower atelier


"If I would've had something like DAC when I was younger it would've been great because I was kind of on my own floundering, kind of clueless...When I first joined DAC, I decided to do the Creative Career Support Program to learn how to build and manage my own website, social media marketing...I was learning things and I just felt like I was ready to go to another level.

DAC is the only organization that I've ever come across in my life that's really trying to make a difference and help Artists."

Tonya Perri

Tonya Lov Jewelry


"When I found out about DAC’s studio spaces, I was so excited. DAC gave me the opportunity to rent a studio space at a price point that I could afford, and connecting with other Artists at DAC gave me the confidence I needed to get back into what I loved doing and start building my business back up in a new location. "

Kathy Poole

Kathryn Poole Photography

Wavey Skinny