Top three reasons why Artists Fail (and what to do about it!)

Are you struggling to make sales or grow as an Artist? This weeks blog sheds light on the top three reasons why Artists don’t succeed + what you can do to overcome those challenges. Let’s see if your creative practice is suffering from one (or more) of the big three! Leave a comment below if any of these hurdles resonate with you!

Neglecting the “Business” Part of Your Art Business

Art Careers involve a lot more than just making cool shit. You’ll need to spend as much, if not MORE time on the business side of your enterprise. Talent alone will not get you there. If your current situation isn’t yielding the results you want, it’s time to do things differently. We created EMERGE to help Artists make sense of their creative careers as quickly and painlessly as possible. If this is part of your struggle- you definitely aren’t alone! Check out our EMERGE lessons on the courses page in the HUB to find targeted, affordable education so you can level up.


This can apply both to production of your actual product & the way you share it with the world. So many Artists hold day jobs, have families & tons of obligations pulling on their time. It can be difficult to dedicate consistent effort toward your creative career. By making things in spurts, then disappearing- you are loosing momentum and your audience’s interest. Try your best to schedule things rhythmically. Set time aside- even if it’s just a little a few times per week- to continue sharing, making & pushing forward with your goals.

You’re Only Showing Work Online 

Pay attention because this one is huge! Showing work online has become the new norm- but it doesn’t really count!!! If you’re relying on instagram or a website to do all the work for you, you’re leaning into a false sense of accomplishment & probably aren’t selling the way you could be. Please continue to show work in person. Bring your art to a variety of shows, get it in front of actual humans. Nothing compares to the connection a buyer feels when they can reach out and touch something, or talk to the Artist face to face. It genuinely makes a big difference. Think of the online domain more as a back up tool to maintain those in person relationships- not as the main feature!

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